Tsar-like_wedding ceremony
This is one of the stages of the wedding reception in the East of Poland (please visit also the 'Eastern_charm' and 'Energetic_sweetness' galleries). I honestly admit that this is one of the most interesting wedding venues in which we have worked. Railway tracks, surroundings of old trains, locomotives, the old Tsar's train station and the cult Tsar Restaurant in the background. In terms of the design, we decided to follow what is already there: vintage furniture, lace tablecloths, samovars, old silver teapots, jugs, platters, tall wooden gueridons matching the façade of the old station. Colours were consistently pale pink-grey-green. Sweet like at your grandmother's, but there's a punch in this design!
place: Restaurant Carska_Białowieża_Train Station, photography: Magdalena Adamczewska, Żukography. Gosia Żuk